7 Salvation Clarity Questions

Uncover What You Believe


This reflective assessment will help you softly uncover if hidden guilt-based beliefs are holding back your spiritual progress and sense of unity.
With love, Britney

2-Step Assessment Instructions

STEP 1: For each of the seven statements below, tune in and reflect on your feelings and experiences. 

STEP 2: Rate how much you agree or disagree with each statement using the following scale:

  •  Strongly Disagree
  •  Disagree
  •  Agree
  •  Strongly Agree

At the end of the quiz, you’ll find guidance on how to interpret your scores.

Begin Your
Assessment Now

7 Questions

1. Feeling Unworthy or Constantly Seeking Approval

I often feel like I'm not good enough and need to do more to earn the love or approval of others or of God.

2. Living in Fear of Judgment or Punishment

I frequently worry that others will judge or punish me for my mistakes. And/or I fear that God's love for me is based on how I perform.

3. Feeling Disconnected from Joy or Love

Even when good things happen in my life, I struggle to feel joy or believe that I deserve happiness.

4. Repetitive Patterns of Self-Sacrifice or Repentance

I often feel the need to put others' needs above my own and believe that I must constantly repent or atone for my actions.

5. Negative Self-Talk or Deep-Rooted Shame

I frequently criticize myself and feel deep down that I am inherently flawed or unworthy.

6. Struggling with Relationships

I find it hard to connect with others because I either judge them harshly or feel that I'm not good enough to be fully open in my relationships.

7. Resisting Change or Feeling Stuck Spiritually

I feel stuck in my spiritual path because I believe I need to keep saying sorry for everything I’ve done wrong to find peace.