8 Things You May Not Know About Me

Here are a few things that you may or may not know about me 🙂

1) I am a hippie at heart and love flowy dresses and yoga pants with flowy shirts, big sunglasses and  I love being a big voices [+ action] on Love and Peace.

2) I love to sing songs when life presents an opportunity where a song is just the most perfect thing to sing and give. Ella is loving singing too 🙂 She is taking lessons and will join me in song, Tom sometimes too. Its cute. This summer Ella had her first concert and sang “I see the light” by Tangled 🙂

3) I love books, physical books and read every night before bed. 

4) I do squats, lunges, pushups, planks or stretches at random times in the day and/or night for most days in a week.

6) I got my English Literature degree with Psychology as a second focus in 2009 at York University in Toronto Canada. The  Shakespeare and Studying, Jung and Freud that I learned about in school, has been used to help me understand A Course in Miracles, as all are mentioned within its pages. 

7) I enjoy marijuana. The miracle plant. And use it in sacred ceremony and for creative endeavors with people I love.

8) Sushi is my favorite food group. But I love and cook all foods in the most conscious, loving, inclusive way possible. I do so through Whole and Healthy Kitchen.

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Welcome to my blog. My name is Britney Shawley. I write and make videos to help  people to choose peace in every situation. I aim to demonstrate the practicality of Love and miracles in my everyday life and work, so that you can do so too. Thank You for being here. 



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