The Birth of a Miracle

Documentary & Book

The Complete and Definitive History of ‘A Course in Miracles.’

  • This documentary/book is a meticulously researched historical account of the story of A Course in Miracles.
  • We cover the full timeline of the Course – from its inception, with co- scribes Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford, all the way through to present day.
  • We highlight the pristine beauty and eloquence of the writing in the Course, and show its power as a psychological and spiritual Mind Training Tool for Peace
  • For the first time, the complete editing and publishing history of the Course will be presented in detail, along with an honest look at the controversy that ensued.
  • We will present in detail the copyright decisions and the subsequent legal battles which eventually led to the current Course being free of any copyright control.
  • We will offer a timeline and complete list of the different versions of  A Course in Miracles available to us today.
  • We want to help quicken the realization and attainment of the Course’s goal of unity and peace. 
  • We will affirm that Jesus is the author of the Course, and that this book has enormous positive implications for personal and global transformation.
  • We are currently completing the script for this documentary and recording audio/video interviews from key figures in the Course community, many of whom have been involved since the beginning of the Course.
  • Our goal is to be most truly helpful to Christ by bringing an up-to-date and unified perspective of A Course in Miracles to curious, new and life-long students of His Course.
The Notes + Special Messages
The UR Text 
(Ur = Original)
+ Suppliments
Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP) Edition
Miracles Society 
(Pearls) Edition
Thetford “Sparkly” [HLC] Edition
Circle of Atonement (CE) Edition

The Founding Team Members:

Dr. Bill Thetford. Co-Scribe of A Course in Miracles and appointed editor of the HLC Original Edition

Dr. Helen Schucman Scribe of A Course in Miracles,  dictated to through “the Voice” of Jesus Christ. 

Team Members:

Judy Skutch, Founder and appointed Publisher and Disseminator of the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP) versions of the Course

Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, Editor of Foundation for Inner Peace Version and Teacher at the Foundation for A Course in Miracles (FACIM)


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Interviews with:

Carol Howe – Long time Course Teacher and friend of Bill Thetford

Tamara Morgan – President of Foundation for Inner Peace  (Judy Skutch’s daughter)

Reja Joy – Original Edition ACIM | Miracles Society 

Ted Poppe –  Publisher of the Sparkly Thetford ACIM Edition

Robert Perry: Founder and Teacher of the Circle of Atonement version of A Course in Miracles. 

**I have also interviewed Doug Thompson founder of UR Text and Special Messages, Christopher S Lawyer and contributor to Sparkly, Tony Ponicello, Jon Mundy, Lee Jampolsky, Roger Walsh, Ian Patrick and many others who have witnessed to any events that surround ‘the birth and expansion of A Course in Miracles.’

About the Producer:

Hello and Thank you for being here. I am Britney Shawley and I have committed my life to inner and world peace.  I had a profound experience with Jesus on a trip to Maui Hawaii in 2010 and since I was never  been religious, only spiritual, it was radical for me. Jesus promised me He will give me what I need to help me save the world along with him…. and his promise was  kept when he brought me the Sparkly A Course in Miracles and my life partner Tom Glod within a few weeks of this promise. I finished all the lessons and text and manual then in 2013 I was guided to record all 365 lessons on Youtube. Since then I have continued to make inspired videos related to key principles found in the Course through my Miracles of Mind Ministry on Youtube. Because of this I generated a following of students — equal brothers and sisters — who trust me…. and they have asked me hundreds of times about the Course, its History, its different versions, its controversy. I knew that if I wanted to answer their questions honestly that I needed to know the whole story. So I went on a search to discover the whole and complete story of A Course in Miracles. I have been guided in every step of this journey and its been a miracle just watching the unfoldment of it all around me and through me. 

I am passionate about demonstrating the Joy that comes from living a life that is dedicated to Christ and my contribution to God’s Plan for Peace. 

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P.s I live in Ontario Canada with my life partner Tom Glod and our daughter Ella Joy whom I love with every ounce of my being. They inspire me and help me every day to be the best human I can be.

How it Came to Be:

I have been fascinated by the different versions of A Course in Miracles since Jesus brought me the Sparkly A Course in Miracles in 2010 (my full story here). I have been keeping notes and earnestly researching the different versions of the Course since the beginning of my journey, never really knowing why. As I continued to develop my ability to hear His voice within and express this voice within the Course Community, people began asking me about the different versions… as well as wanting clarity on why there appears to be controversy between the students and teachers of the different A Course in Miracles versions.

One evening after I was asked by 5 different Course students for clarification on these issues, I turned to Jesus and asked Him for help with this. Jesus then told me that he will guide me in doing a documentary to show the whole story of His Course and answer all these questions once and for all. I said YES to this project, and ever since I have been given the plan, the brothers and sisters to assist me with this, and the means to accomplish it. My heart is so full, and I am grateful to be telling this story in the most honest and detailed way possible. 

Why this is important:

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is one of the greatest and most influential spiritual masterpieces of the 21st century. It is a mind training Course with the author and teacher being Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It was scribed by Helen Schuman Phd with the necessary support from her boss at Columbia University, Bill Thetford Phd. They received this Course as an answer to One unequivocal call for “a better way”.  As such, it is important for us to share the complete, accurate and miraculous story of how A Course in Miracles came to be.

Those who have had any part in bringing any version of ACIM to our world have been interviewed for this documentary. And those who are no longer with us, such as Helen Schucman, Bill Thetford, Ken Wapnick and Judy Skutch, will be extensively researched and their roles and perspectives included in this documentary as well.

It is necessary that:

  • We tell the full and complete story of how A Course in Miracles (and its many versions) came to our world.
  • We show case the pure beauty, wisdom and perfection of the psychological, spiritual, metaphysical and universal masterpiece that is the Course.
  • We show the guidance Jesus gave in the original NOTES and Special Messages for how He intended His Course to be brought to our world.
  • Keep high fidelity to the Course’s teachings and message through consistent communication and cooperation with fellow teachers, scholars and researchers of the Course.
  • We clear up any confusion around the versions, the editing, the court cases and the controversy.
  • We bridge the way for forgiveness, reconciliation and cooperation to be birthed among all students and teachers of A Course in Miracles. 

This documentary will be launching Spring 2025.

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