Meet Manuela! She is a 20 year long student and teacher of A Course in Miracles. She is inspired by Christ guidance to give, love, create and bless everyday. As soon as we met, we were kindred soul sisters and I feel so honored to bring her and her experience of Jesus to you all today.
She has been teaching A Course in Miracles since 2004 and is an author of several books related to A Course in Miracles and regularly speaks at ACIM conferences in Europe and abroad. While facilitating seminars and online courses for beginners and advanced students in German and English, in 2018 and 2019 she co-translated the Original Edition of the Course into German.
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Britney's Takeaways:
- It doesn’t matter what book you study from. What matters is that you commit to Jesus and loving your brothers and sisters and serving your brothers and sisters.
- There are different seasons in our relationship to Jesus
- Jesus welcomes us right where we are.
- Quote from the Bible – reinterpreted in our discussion and in the comments on youtube. “Those who are bad will be thrown into the fiery pits of hell.”
a) Manuel says: “No way would I believe that Jesus will throw anyone for any reason into a fiery pit of hell”
b) Pierre Tittley: Regarding to the “fiery place” interpreted hell in some bibles, can be parallel with the words “Gehenna of fire!” , translated erroneously “hell” by many translations. The Greek text is literally “the Valley of Hinnom.” This was a valley along the south side of Jerusalem where excrement and rubbish were burned continually. It became a Jewish metaphor for the place of eternal punishment. It was once celebrated for the horrid worship of Moloch, and afterwards polluted with every species of filth, as well of the carcasses of animals, and dead bodies of criminals; in order to prevent pestilence, constant fires were kept burning; hence, hell, the fires of Tartarus, the place of punishment in Hades. It was nothing but a metaphor used in the culture of the day, lost in the misinterpretation of today. The understanding of Jesus not sending people into hell’s fire is from the Spirit of Love.
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