Is A Course in Miracles a Non-Dual path?? #nonduality #acim

In our A Course in Miracles community it is clear that many (majority?) of students think of this Course as Non-dual. I have been asked by a fellow student/teacher my thoughts on this topic. Below I have shared with you what he asked me. Then I share with you my response to him. 

I also (after I wrote this blog) did a video with fellow scholars of the Course Tom Glod (my husband), Robert Perry and Emily Bennington from the Circle of Atonement. The four of us tackled this question “Is A Course in Miracles non-dual?” I have added that video below my writing.

What are your thoughts on this topic?
Is the Course non-dual?
Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. 


His Question:

So all that I’m going to say here I know you already know. It just sort of came together for me particularly in the light of the past few days in the light of our coming together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Also, before saying anything, to bear in mind that all this, according to the teaching of the Course, is just a part of the dream, and going by the lesson we read this morning, is actually nothing at all, doesn’t even exist. What is really happening is something much more amazing and  way beyond it. Again, I know you know this!

This ‘schism’ that appears to divide Course students and teachers has been in existence almost since day one, and appears eventually and inevitably in almost every group and discussion. It is between those who believe the Course’s essential teaching is non-dualism, and those who don’t. The first mainly follow the teachings of Ken Wapnick, and the main exponent of the second is probably Robert Perry. A word about Ken. In my opinion he is certainly the greatest intellectual teacher of the Course. But I don’t think he was an ‘enlightened’ or ‘awakened’ teacher (and I know that’s a huge judgment on my part!) You just have to compare videos of him with those of David Hoffmeister, for instance, to see the difference. Same with Robert Perry. I have the greatest respect for Robert as a teacher. It was his commentaries that I read when I first started studying the Course. I saw your interview with him last week, and his emphasis on the person and incarnation of Jesus and the moral precepts he taught for living in the world. 

My Response:

The schism that you speak of that divides the Course HAS been there from the beginning. I’ve learned that since observing the community and through my research for the acim documentary. I have found in my acim study group however (the one that you are now part of) we have been meeting for 3 years and we’ve never run into this schism problem. We’ve never had a conflict or anything that remotely divides. In fact, we have as a group, and individually in our relationships within the group, have been experiencing miracles together. We all seem to see the Course the same, as we all take Jesus as the teacher of the Course. (I am not the teacher even though I lead the group. I am just sharing what Jesus is teaching me and has taught me. In my mind I see myself as equal to everyone in this group and they know that.)

So… to lead into the convo about this Course being a non-dual Course.

Personally, I have never seen ACIM as a non-dual Course. I see it as a Course in Oneness, yes absolutely. But oneness and non-dual is NOT the same for me. When we think in terms of dual vs non-dual that’s, to me, still in a box of good and bad. Its still part of the dream and is a way that humans try to understand something outside the dream. Oneness is equal to UNITY for me, not non-dualism or duality. Its beyond both those concepts and is found and understood ONLY through the experience of unity/oneness.

⭐ I look to Jesus to tell me what the Course is and what Truth is, and not once in all of ACIM does he use the language “non dual”. He uses “dual” once in the clarification of terms where he talks about Holy Spirit having a dual function in our minds to both correct (forgive) and extend love (give miracles)…and dual then shows up over 61 times in the course, as part of the word individual!! If this course was non-dual it would say that first of all .. and second of all… it would not speak of the individual, but it does. It would not speak of God and Son either. It would not speak of brothers. But it does. It speaks to all this, and to me being God’s son/child will forever be my reality. “I will forever be an effect of God” (lesson 326 in acim). I believe Jesus when He tells us this, and all my experiences point to this being my power, truth and reality. 

Because of this I am not trying to live as “nothingness” or see you as “nothingness”, as non -dual teaches teach us to do. I first made myself empty (nothingness) so that I had no ideas or thoughts of what I was or what you are or what God is to block the truth. THEN everything was given me and I came to know myself AS everything (that is loving) and see you as everything (that is loving) which IS the Truth of unity and the effect of forgiven perception. So freedom or truth or oneness is NOT in the absence of a relationship or identity, as non dualism suggests, but rather the nothingness or non duality is there temporarily, only until we are filled with the truth of everything/oneness through direct God/Christ contact. 

This quote, that was edited out of FIP version is pretty clear on how Jesus sees this topic: “²I wanted you to think of yourself as a distinct consciousness, capable of direct communication with the Creator of that consciousness. ³You must begin to think of yourself as a very powerful receiving and sending channel. [CE T-4.VIII.8:2-3] ….distinct consciousness is pretty clear. 🙂  

In regards to Ken being the greatest intellectual of ACIM of all time, yes he was an intellectual about the Course, but in my research he is incredibly contradictory as a Teacher. He will some times say “ask Jesus for guidance” and then say “Jesus is an illusion don’t ask him for specifics”. Sometimes he will say use “Holy spirit to correct your perception,” then some times he says “holy spirit is a metaphor and there is nothing to correct”. He also interprets ACIM in his own way, that then opposes what Jesus says in the Course in others places.  It was also Ken that inserted the idea that ACIM is non-dual into our community, and with the 45,000 words he and Helen took out of the first 4 chapters of the Foundation for Inner Peace version of the Course, it looks like it *might* be non dual. But it was edited that way, it is NOT that way, and Jesus did NOT intend for it to be that way. I have endless lists of research and proof to show that the editing that Ken and Helen did for the Foundation for Inner Peace version was NOT guided by Jesus. Your right though, Ken was not awakened or enlightened, in fact, I have tried to find stories, examples, experiences of him sharing his own miracles, forgiveness experiences, awakening experiences… anything! And there is nothing. In all those years, he never talked about how he applied it to himself….. I don’t understand how we can teach and not share what we have learned. Jesus tells us that “to teach is to demonstrate”. I have not found Ken to be a good demonstrator of what the Course teaches at all. He has some good intellectual ideas on it… but learning ACIM and especially living it does not come from the intellect….

A big part of my mission on this planet is to correct the record of what Jesus taught. And what Jesus’ true message is. And I am certain his message is not non-dual.. its about others, our brothers, and loving our neighbors as ourselves. That’s unity to me. That’s true oneness expressed as love. Expressions of Love are miracles. There is nothing non-dual about this way of seeing and living. 

You are totally correct in your experience, that even though ACIM seems to use this dual language, the experience is of oneness that is beyond the words. This oneness though still includes a clear understanding that God is Source and I am His Son/child, made in His image and likeness. This may appear to keep duality in tact, but it doesn’t. Its our True identity. We will never be the Creator God because He made us, not the other way around. But our unity and oneness with God and each other can be fully understood and experienced, even here.  (Which is the goal of ACIM in my opinion, as in this experience of oneness IS the source of the peace and joy you speak of (and Jesus speaks of 🙂 ) 

So to conclude, no A Course in Miracles is NOT a non-dual Course. But YES it is a Course that leads us to the experience of our perfect oneness and unity with God and our brothers and sisters and all living things. 

I will leave us with this quote from the Course that speaks to our unity in God, but also that this unity is expressed through giving and saving the world, which is salvation:
“Spirit am I, holy child of God, 
free of all limits, safe, healed, whole,
Free to forgive and free to save the world”

Spread the Love

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