green trees near body of water during daytime

Listening to the Guidance of my Soul while Traveling California


Our bedroom has double doors that open to our balcony that over looks the mountains of California. We are surrounded by nature and can smell the fresh crisp morning air moving through and around us. The sound that wakes me in the morning is the soft melodic songs of the birds. As I rested in stillness today before I woke, listening to the sounds, feeling the wind and snuggling in the arms of my man, I was aware of how incredibly blessed I am. As I listened deeper, I was reminded that I am blessed becuase I chose a blessed life for my self even in the midst of my own seeming “chaos”. This was a choice of mind I made, it was an intent to serve, a new direction of thought, a focus of PURPOSE that I willingly said YES too. I was taught to trust this voice that speaks for this new choice in every moment, every where and in every one! By listening to this voice and consistently training to hear only this voice, I have welcomed a life of miracles; exponentially growing and expanding in my own heart and mind and out unto all the world.

I am learning more and more that there cannot be a consistent joy unless there is shared purpose. Shared purpose is the foundation from which all miracles spring. It is the connection that makes people come together to see the same thing and share in the same happiness. Connection can only truly happen when it is Mind, joined in Will and Purpose with God and our brothers. This is the true meaning of shared purpose, and we begin this journey when we choose to join another in Love.

Give space to your Soul to free itself within your mind. Let your Soul teach you what it is and what your part in this world is so that you can be consistently happy in Self and with Others. We have not come to this world to be born, to grow, to work, to live, to struggle, to die. We have a purpose, a power and a gift to give the world. Yet for as long as we think the answers to our seeming problems or of what our purpose is is found in the world or a book or an idol, we will never find the solution or know the answer.

The One Solution and Answer to it all is found WITHIN. The instant we silence our mind, open our hearts and stop thinking we know the answer, we can ASK and receive the answer… your own Soul/Spirit will step up to the plate to tell you and teach you ALL you need to know that you may be filled with peace, light and understanding!

Become silent and listen today, and all the Universe will support you and help assist you in all ways. You are loved, you are worthy and you have the power to do anything your Soul yearns for. Do THAT and BE happy! God wills that it be so! And so it is! <3

“God’s Will for me is Perfect Happiness” – A Course in Miracles Lesson 101

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