In late 2021 I was given inner guidance to start recording conversations with people about their relationship to Jesus.
I knew I wanted to speak with those who have had experiences with Jesus that are “outside the box” of typical religion.
Through these conversations I have come to see that when we truly know Jesus, His message is the same, no matter what our religion, holy book or background. Jesus shows up for each of us with a different flavor or melody which is catered to the individual, but he has the same recognizable heart, message and deep peace expressing itself through us all.
So far we have heard from: Christian Pastors, a Catholic Franciscan, Spiritual Ministers, a Jewish Rabbi, a Rastafarian, a Mormon, a Roman Catholic, a Teacher of Ancient Indian Spirituality, an Evangelical Christian, a Process Theologian, Urantian teachers, an Ordained Minister, many A Course in Miracles Teachers/students and many more to come.
If you know of any one else from any faith background who lives /works with Jesus, let me know.
I would be honored to talk about a potential interview with them (or you!)!