“Prayer is the medium of miracles. Prayer is the natural
communication of the created with the Creator. Through prayer
love is received, and through miracles love is expressed.” Miracle Principle #11
A miracle is first an inner correction that compels us to love and to give. Miracles extend the love of forgiveness from the mind that is more whole, to the mind in another that is calling to remember their wholeness. It is this extension, in mind, that creates the bridge for the Holy Spirit to heal [both giver and receiver] completely. As the miracle is extended from this joining of minds, it unites the giver and receiver together and they experience a power and peace that is “not of this world”. Together they arrive in the One Mind of God/Love where all infinite power and healing grace is found. This is why miracles are reparative, permanent and the equal right of everyone, because they come from God to us directly when we choose to join together for healing. Equality and worthiness with all God’s Children, is a foundational realization of miracle working.
Miracles can changes ones mind and correct error, which will change ones heart as well. In this case there may not (always) be observable effects, but they are felt.
The observable effects of a miracle (the fruits) can show up in form and are often expressed as a healed body or transformed relationships or problems solved or events in life that “work out” when you weren’t sure how they would. We are taught in the Course that “There is no order of difficulty among miracles”. Therefore we can ask for a miracle for the small and large things here. ‘Miracles are everyone’s right.”
Asking for Miracles is the activating agent but readying ourselves mentally and experientially for them is how we ensure that we can work them. We are taught that yes “Miracles are natural…..but…. purification is necessary first.” This is because if we don’t ready ourselves (train our minds) for miracles, we block them from reaching us with our own doubts and fears and misperceptions of them. When we train ourselves, like we would for any skill we are to learn here…. Christ then can use us for miracles and we will witness to them quite often. In the Course it says “you will see miracles through your hands through Me (Jesus)“. Gratitude to God comes from this realization of miracles being given and received through us. As it says in the Miracle Principles of A Course in Miracles: “Miracles as such do not matter, the only thing that matters is their Source.”
The mark of a miracle is its all inclusiveness. It is given TO all, from the Mind that knows it is ONE with All. It may appear to happen between only two, but the intent and the source of the miracle is UNITY with ALL brothers and sisters around the planet and God Himself. This is why forgiveness is necessary, so that the conviction and FAITH in our One Power of Love (that exists in all beings) is unshakable in the Mind that is preparing itself to give. Without faith in a power greater than ourselves and without forgiveness of our mistakes that stand guard against miracles; miracles would be impossible.
Miracles are literally tools used in this world by the Holy Spirit in our minds.
Miracles help us to collapse time and eliminate all suffering and thoughts of fear, pain, specialness or separation that keep us from our collective goal of Peace.
Miracles are first for us to receive, and then we give them.
This giving demonstrates our learning and acceptance of miracles, but also strengthens our conviction in them.
I find it helpful to wake each morning, close my eyes and say with all the love and humbleness in my heart: “Father, Help me to extend whatever miracles you want of me today. I am listening, willing and open to receive your gifts to both have and to give. I love my brothers as myself. Please use me to Love. Thank you. Amen”. This prayer tells God I am willing to be used by him, and to be taught how to be the greatest vessel of Love possible. The more of us that become miracle minded quickly enough, the faster we can bring this world to heaven through us. And since most who are reading this blog study A Course in Miracles… its important to remember that Miracle Working is the effect of our studies. We are asking not just peace for us alone, but peace that can be extended through us to “bless the world with miracles”.
“My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today
Have but one purpose; to be given Christ
To use to bless the world with miracles.” . Lesson 353
“You understand that you are healed when you give healing. You accept forgiveness as accomplished in yourself when you forgive. You recognize your brother as yourself and thus do you perceive that you are whole. There is no miracle you cannot give, for all are given you. Receive them now by opening the storehouse of your mind where they are laid and give them away. ” ~ A Course in Miracles: Lesson 159
“The power to work miracles BELONGS to you.” ~ A Course in Miracles: Miracle Principle 26
“Miracles mirror God’s eternal Love. To offer them is to remember Him, and through His memory to save the world” – A Course in Miracles, Lesson 350
For further support of WHAT A MIRACLE IS: Read the 53 Principles of Miracles in this ACIM PDF
We use them as a checklist of sorts, for if something is a miracle or not.
Study these principles and learn to become ready and ready for them by applying the Workbook Lessons to your thinking everyday.