woman in black long sleeve shirt wearing white mask

What is Ego?

“The ego is insane. In fear it stands beyond the Everywhere, apart from All, in separation from the Infinite. In its insanity it thinks it has become a victor over God Himself.” – A Course in Miracles

First and foremost, ego is an ILLUSION. It has NO power over us and does not even exist; but as long as we believe in it, it appears to have power and to be very real. So for the purpose of clarification, I will share here the “seeming power” ego has when we are believing it to be true. It is this “seeming power” or thinking we need ego here, that contorts our view of Reality, of Self and of what True Power or Love is.

Ego is synonymous with fear. It is an impostor, posing as the real you.

It is a fast paced thought system, that is quick to judge, blame and be confused. It speaks loud and first, thus it is easy to mistaken it for your “own” voice. I have found that most people don’t even realize how furiously insistent this mind is until they are AWARE of all its chatter. We all can learn to bring awareness to our minds, in order to listen and realize that this mind is non-stop within us, until it is undone through Holy Spirit of course.

Ego is the mind of separation, that we collectively as Souls agreed to have as a means of perceiving the unreal. As the infinite Souls that we are, we wanted to experience what it might be like to be something that we are not (a body). After this thought of curiosity entered, we forgot to laugh at it or see it as a joke; and instead, BAM, it birthed this ball of mass spinning through space along with all its galaxies and laws; and now we are birthed into this temporary dream world as bodies into this home we call Earth where birth seems to be the beginning and death the ending. After thousands of years on planet earth, we have forgotten that this was our agreement, our game,  as Souls, and that we are responsible for it. Often we blame God or fail to question what’s going on here. This is the very ignorance that keeps the suffering and egoic war cycle in motion here.

If we listen to the ego and believe the thoughts it tells us are real, then that’s when we experience it as real in our life and world and we are literally sent on a decent into “hell”. What other than hell would the mind of fear (eg0) be? What other than hell is earth that is infiltrated by greed, attack, pain, sin, sickness, sadness, war, hate and death?

Ego is a very sneaky and manipulative thought system that delays, denies, and lies directly to us, inside our own minds! It tells us that “hell” is in the after world and to not only fear life on earth, but fear death (and God) as well. It’s insane to think these things.  When we open our eyes we can see the hell on this planet, and we can also see the call to love/help/healing hidden within that hell.

The reason why this hell-cycle has gone on for so long, is because we have yet to bring attention too it, and see it as an effect of  a thought system that we can undo (with help from Spirit). Instead, most people of the world judge themselves or many others as bad, mean, evil, sinful and guilty; and that’s “just the way they are”.  Instead of remembering that ego (all of those aforementioned things) are NOT what we are, but what we have learned and accepted the instant we think we are this body (and not God’s beloved Child/Soul). Ego is a collective mental sickness and sin, and there IS (thank God) a remedy for it. But we have to WANT to see something else such as Heaven (Spirit within that gets projected on this earth) here in place of the hell (ego within that’s projected on this earth).

Ego identifies with its home being within the body and in this world. Thus it is entirely limited in its thought process. It projects everything it thinks outside of itself, then tries to look out side for the answers to the problems it created. In short, the ego is insane and stands in as a false self, preventing us from remembering our True Self. This is its only purpose.

This mind is not clear and open, it is cluttered and confused. It stores ‘information’ that we have accepted from those outside us, including our parents, friends, television, teachers, magazines, religions, spirituality, billboards, news, movies, governments, history, cultures and more. It is our conditioned mind. It then acts like a filter with which we see the world.

Ego keeps us trapped with its brilliant defense mechanisms. It likes to sugar coats things with nice words and ideas so that we accept those thoughts and take ourselves on mental painful trips. It uses spirituality and religion, sexy bodies, education and lots of money to make certain egos look, act and talk better than other egos. Ego wants us to be different from everyone else, and to live life trying to make its self feel and look better or special or different in the eyes of others. This “difference” or in other words “in equality” is the ROOT of all evil! And indeed, we are seeing here, that Ego is the evil.

Ego projects, defends and attacks. It keeps us focused on what’s outside of us, reminding us of the past and keeping us afraid of our uncertain future. Ego jumps from the past to the future, never allowing us to have a stable fluid enjoyable experience in the NOW, which is where all Truth rests.

* PAUSE* I say none of this to make anyone feel bad about themselves or where they are are in their process. We ALL listen to ego when we first arrive on planet earth. Especially in having a daughter I realize ego is part of the human condition, we build it up, to then correct it. So please, know I am saying all of this with the sincerest love in my heart for you so that we can be aware of what the ego is and does, so we actively choose not to listen to it anymore. In developing understanding of what ego IS, we can do something about it…and learn how to transcend out of ego and wake up from its sad dreams.

Separation (ego) is the one “problem” this world has, its ONLY solution is Union (Spirit). Yet ego has done a really good job at keeping us un-informed of our own Unified Will through its dangling of carrots for us to accept a “separate will” instead. Ego will even tempt us with ideas that we should just love the ego, and welcome it, for it is a part of the human experience and part of who we are. This is just a hoax to keep us believing in its teachings. Do NOT fall for it! We are NOT the ego, we are NOT split in our identity. God is not confused in who we are, only we are, because we are listening to TWO voices. (ego and Gods)

Beyond the ego, is the mind of Love that reminds us of our eternal unity and Peace. We must recognize the insanity of ego however, in order to move beyond it to that which is SANE. Our ego’s, these bodies, are not what we are, and our believing in ego is the cause of all suffering and pain. Its time we looked at ego with the light and witness its unreality for ourselves. The instant we render it “useless” to us, it is gone, undone and able to be replaced by the Mind of Love instead. Here is where peace, happiness and purpose will be found. 🙂

“Ego is expert only in confusion” A Course in Miracles T7

“What if you looked within and saw NO sin? This “fearful” question is one the ego NEVER asks. And you who ask it now are threatening the ego’s whole defensive system too seriously for it to bother to pretend it is your friend. Your faith is moving inward, past insanity and on to reason.” – A Course in Miracles T21




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