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What is God?

“The Creator of life, the Source of everything that lives, the Father of the universe and of the universe of universes, and of everything that lies even beyond them would you remember.” – A Course in Miracles T 19.2

To try to explain the unexplainable, the everything, the all that is, our omnipresent eternal Creator, is nearly impossible. Words cannot possibly express the magnitude of who and what our Father IS. However, I will do my best here for the purpose of clarification of terms.

In short, I can say God is Love. This Love has no opposite. It is whole, complete and perfect. It does not change to hate or fear, is Love and only Love eternally. God is a symbol we have chosen to represent our Father: the eternal, all powerful, all loving, limitless Creator.

In this world this power, when seen accurately, appears as inside us; yet we are IN this power and taken care of by this power, in a very literal sense. The Creator can never part from what He created, us! Thus we can never be separate from His power, His love or His presence, for He created and we are part of Him.

God is not split. He does not see evil, sin, guilt or death.

He does not condemn, judge or even know what we do here in form as bodies.

He knows us ONLY as the eternal Souls He created.

Some people call our Creator God or Father, others Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Mohammed, Universal Power, Super-Conscious Mind, One Mind, Buddha, Love Itself and others. The name in which we choose to use does not matter, what matters is the recognition of us all sharing One Source and that our ability to remember this shared source, identity and power is absolutely possible and necessary, for peace inside us and peace on earth. Once this power that Created us is recognized as being within us; we cannot help but describe this power in a more personal way, as a more direct and literal relationship, with whatever word we want to put upon it. I choose God.

The idea of God can often be confusing and/or left as a mystery. We are taught many things from many religions and from many people who use the name of God to do cruel or confusing things. We have to remember, as mentioned in “What is Ego?,” that this world is made to experience our separateness from God. From this perceptive of thinking we are alone in a body on this planet, then we cannot know God with whom we are One With. We cannot learn of the God of Love with the distance we have accepted as being between us. We can only know of the loving, benevolent, internal God when we are willing to learn from ONLY His Voice within. This is why the Holy Spirit is needed to be our internal mediator between Gods truth and the illusions we decided to believe in. Through Gods Voice, affectionately called the Holy Spirit, we can learn of the Truth as God created it to be and thus come to know what He Is directly.

Its easy to forget that God is Love and loves us all equally, when the world is so filled with chaos, suffering and hate. This is actually all the more reason for us to cultivate willingness that will allow us to straighten out our minds in regards to “what God is,” so that we can help the world and all the people, nature and animals within it.


Earth is our temporary domain, our home away from home, and by remembering God here, we can bring His laws, His power, His love, His Heaven into this world through us. How amazing!!!

Take not the words that have come through me for the absolute truth, ask within yourself, experience for yourself the Love that God has for you, for all of us. The A Course in Miracles lessons have as their goal the deconstruction of perception, and the rebuilding of perception that is in accord with God and His Laws and Love.

 “God’s Name is holy, but no holier than yours. To call upon His Name is but to call upon your own. A father gives his son his name, and thus identifies the son with him. His brothers share his name, and thus are they united in a bond to which they turn for their identity. Your Father’s Name reminds you who you are, even within a world that does not know; even though you have not remembered it.” -A Course in Miracles L183

“For God created love as He would have it be, and gave it as it IS. Love has no meaning except as its Creator defined it by His Will. It is impossible to define it otherwise and UNDERSTAND it.” – A Course In Miracles T 16.6

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