What is the difference between God and the Holy Spirit?

This question was asked today in our A Course in Miracles Workbook Study Group on Facebook. I gave what I thought was a simple response, and it seemed to generate alot, I mean alot of engagement!

Since this seemed to be an answer that really spoke to alot of people, I thought I would share my answer here as well.

What is the difference between God and the Holy Spirit?

God is our Creator. Our Source. Our Father who is only Love.

Holy Spirit is the voice for God / Love that exists in our minds.

God knows not of what we do here, he knows us only as his beloved Children. But he does know that we do not remember him…this is why he gave us the Holy Spirit….so we can remember Him.

Holy Spirit can see our illusions/fears, but also knows us as God created us, and therefore he is the bridge to heaven…and helps us very gently to return to peace.

Holy Spirit is also the corrector of our perception…the voice of reason/sanity that exists in the minds of all of us. We do not have to be Christian to have the Holy Spirit. We all have been given holy spirit by God already and Jesus confirmed that when he was here through His demonstration…however… we all must choose and decide to listen to holy spirit within and not our egos, in every moment of our days. 

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