Does A Course in Miracles Spiritually bypass?

I came across a post this week where a popular author was talking about A Course in Miracles from the perspective that it ‘by-passes true healing’. It was written from someone who had not taken the Course themselves, and who has only looked from the outside onto some of the teachings that they think are contained in the Course. 

I wanted to bring voice to this topic of spiritual bypassing, and at the same time point to how and why A Course in Miracles is NOT bypassing. I do not what to deny, however, that the Course CAN and IS being used to bypass truth. I have seen it! But that’s not because of the teachings in the Course bypass, but the mind that is perceiving the Course is using it for that purpose.

I wrote a blog where I share with you how I see Spiritual bypassing, and how to get out of its web of either denial, righteous anger or toxic positivity. I also share some key tools to help you to NOT spiritually bypass but to accept True and Stable Peace and Happiness instead.

But the point of this post, however, is to give you even more insight into spiritual bypassing as it directly relates to A Course in Miracles. It is important that we take a deep look at the Course to see if this Course is spiritual bypassing or not….

Emily Bennington saw my comment on this above mentioned authors post, and proceeded to share with me this video she made a few days prior. The alignment and synchronicities of both of our passions to talk about this subject prompted me to share this video with you. I agree with everything she shares within it. And since she shared it so beautifully, I felt sharing her sermon would do this topic justice. 

The talk begins around 15:45.

Thanks to Emily at the Circle of Atonement for this Teaching. 🙂

Unconditional forgiveness means unconditional forgiveness.

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