Living with Jesus Podcast- Robert Perry – Founder Circle of Atonement

⭐New Podcast⭐ Meet Robert Perry.  He brings to A Course in Miracles many years of private study and public teaching. He began teaching at Miracle Distribution Center in 1986, and has since taught throughout North America and around the world. His teaching grows out of his dedication to the Course as his own path and his desire to assist others on this path. Over the years he has become a respected voice in Course circles and has written for many Course newsletters and magazines.

Robert is the founder of the Circle of Atonement and the author of numerous books and booklets based on the Course.

Among these are the popular An Introduction to A Course in Miracles and Path of Light: Stepping into Peace with A Course in Miracles. He is also the lead editor of the Complete and Annotated Edition (CE) of A Course in Miracles, based on the original handwritten notes of Helen Schucman. Learn more about Robert and the Circle at: 

Here are some of the topics we covered:
0:48 How do you see Jesus? Who is He to you?
3:10 What is it that you say makes Jesus different? What is His special message?
15:09 What are your thoughts on what Jesus says about the Last Judgment in A Course in Miracles?
21:51 How did you come to Jesus and was there a before and after Jesus?
32:13 How do you use Jesus in your everyday life and work?
37:41 ” A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary”
41:00 Manual for Teachers is an actual MANUAL for Teachers
44:30 The Teaching and Learning Exchange
49:43 How do you view Jesus’ role as Teacher of Humanity?
54:10 How Jesus message has been changing our world

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