persons hand on brown metal frame

Doing Time Doing Vipassana

This is a powerful documentary about the life of men behind bars and the recognition by a single woman, that they need compassion, rehabilitation and healing versus bondage, segregation and abuse. She saw her need, and her fellow brothers in jail’s need, as being the SAME. She knew that she was one mistaken thought/action away, from being where these men were. She set out on a mission to find an answer to help these men, to help themselves. And she succeeded.

This is the perfect example of what can happen when we refuse to see the error of another as being “Who they are”, and instead recognize that that error is a CALL to help. No matter what we think our brothers have done, they are wholly worthy of forgiveness and when we offer that help/forgiveness, we too are forgiven and blessed.

For those who seem to be bound, so can they be free. For those who make a mistake, so can they be pardoned. For those who are sick, so can they be healed. And so it is our function to be the giver of the gifts that make this possible for ALL the beings of the world.

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