“A healed mind does not plan. It carries out the plans that it receives through listening to wisdom that is not its own. It waits until it has been taught what should be done, and then proceeds to do it. It does not depend upon itself for anything except its adequacy to fulfill the plans assigned to it. It is secure in certainty that obstacles can not impede its progress to accomplishment of any goal that serves the greater plan established for the good of everyone. ” A Course in Miracles: Lesson 135
Tom and I are having a baby! I am 8 months pregnant! Can you believe it? Baby Ella is brewing within and we are so happy. Since we have been back to Canada, we have had an ultra sound to confirm that it is a girl!!
I remember 3 years ago, prior to our travels outside Canada, Tom and I thought that we were pregnant. At that time, I was not in the state of mind to welcome a child. I was unsure I even wanted children. I really had to open my heart to having a baby, and that if God Wills it, it must be perfect. I had to release my own ideas of what I thought I wanted and when I thought the “right” time was. As soon as I forgave myself for making my own plan in regards to children, I felt free and open and ready to receive anything God Wills for us, including kids.
I found my self settling into meditation and opened myself to listen. I was quiet and felt illuminated within. I was grateful that I can trust God and he will never give me more that I can handle. I began to hear this soft whisper “Ella, Ella, Ella, Ella” it got so loud, that I got up from my seated posture and said what does Ella mean? I googled it, and realized the name means “A gift from Heaven”. I immediately knew this was her name, and from that moment forward she was part of our life as a relationship that we will learn from and with. We found out shortly after this experience that we were not pregnant, but now I was open to have a baby at any time and Ella was in both our minds as being part of our family already.
When we realized in California that we got pregnant officially, it was a time of joy! Baby Ella is on her way to bless us! We knew however, that we could not just stop the life we were living and change directions because she was coming….but in fact, we had to hold onto faith even more that God will provide for all of us. We knew not what to do or where to go. Stay in California? or come home? Get a midwife in the States or wait it out? Get a job or keep moving forward with our projects? After we prayed long and hard, the guidance was to stay in California and to keep doing what we were doing; and so we spent the next 7 months of pregnancy in sunny California enjoying the experiences with our new friends. (Read former blog “our California Adventures”)
We continued to focus on completing the U.M.P and bringing forward MakeShyft. R.D.A . We are 4 years into its creation, and no way we could stop now and think of “getting a job” in the world to provide for Ella (unless we were asked too, of course). We knew we were fulfilling our function and parts in Gods Plan for Peace…. and needed to continue to do this, knowing that we are always provided for with everything we need. Ella is Gods Child as much as we are… and so we will all be taken care of by Him. It has worked for us up until now, and will continue to work going forward, because what God promises is True.
We are now back in Canada and have yet to have our own home to settle into. We are seeing friends and family and connecting with people to spread the word of the U.M.P. We are 98% done all the efforts Tom and I can do on our own… and thus something must happen. What is this something? Where will we live? How will the resources we need come into our experience? I, as Britney, at this time do not know. But God DOES know, cause this is HIS plan and not my own. I Trust Him completely!!!! Even though this is a time when the people of the world would say for us to fear, or freak out, or do something different….there is nothing but faith in my heart and joy in my soul to experience what is to come next for all of us. I an certain we are all taken care of, including Ella, for we are His Children, and he loves us and His plan is perfect!! I will continue to listen, and learn and do as guided. There is not much more I can do, but trust God and His plan.
I keep being reminded of the part in ACIM that says ” A healed mind does not plan. It carries out the plans that it received through listening to wisdom that is not its own.” This is what both Tom and I have joined on. We follow this truth that Jesus teaches us, and we are shown time and time again that Gods Plan is FAR greater than ours could ever be. Even though Ella is enroute, this does not mean we have to start depending on our own strength alone. In fact, we need to rely on God and His plan even more. So all we can do is listen, learn, and do.
I have too much faith in our power to work MIRACLES! Miracles have become natural in our life and happen at every turn and in all our relationships. We have joyful and life changing experiences with every person we meet and all are part of the greater plan for restoration of ALL the sonship. I have experienced too much in regards to the power of God, and our ability to work miracles through Him… that even though the world tells me that I should fear being a mother and providing for our baby, and having a home… I am not afraid, and I cannot be, and I wont be. Instead I feel peace and excited to find out where our perfect home in the world IS, and settle down there to be able to extend all our gifts to all the world. I am grateful to God that I am His child and He trusts me with His child in this life… but I know we both, we all, will continue to be taken care of by Him. I TRUST COMPLETELY!!!!!!!! Its miracle time!!!! :)))
“You were GIVEN everything when you were created, just as everyone was. When you have been restored to the recognition of your original state, you naturally become part of the Atonement yourself. As you share MY inability to tolerate lack of love (fear) in yourself and others, you MUST join the Great Crusade to correct it. The slogan for the Crusade is “Listen, learn, and DO; ” – Listen to my voice, learn to undo error, and DO something to correct it. The power to work miracles BELONGS to you. I will provide the opportunities to do them, but YOU must be ready and willing, since you are already able. ” A Course in Miracles: Principles of Miracles 27.