This is My Story
( far.)

“In time, the teacher of God seems to begin to change his mind about the world with a single decision,
and then learns more and more about the new direction as he teaches it.”
– A Course in Miracles Teachers Manual
I was raised by a beautiful family. I am the oldest of three kids. We had our ups and downs, especially after our parents divorce when I was 12. For many years after that it was intense for all of us, until I turned 18 and I started taking responsibility for my life. We were not religious and did not go to church, so I had no faith to lean on. I buried myself in books and busy doings so I didn’t have to feel the pain, I also had amazing friends, of which I am forever grateful for.
I do have a few early memories surrounding Jesus and feeling his presence. We would drive together every Easter to Pennsylvania (from Ontario Canada) to see my Grandparents, and we would play “wee-sing bible songs” for what felt was the whole 9 hour drive. I remember singing those songs with my full heart. And really feeling gratitude for Jesus. I still remember all the lyrics to those songs, to this day 🙂
In my early teens we had to move and found myself at a new school and made new friends. It definitely led me astray for a few years. I then got a boyfriend and seemed to level out until University. All this time though, I was consistently gaining weight and not caring for myself, actively hating on myself and binge eating unconsciously. Shortly after this time my dad moved on the same street as my mom and I saw him more than I ever did before.
I remember one day asking him what he thought about something, he paused, looked me in the eyes and said: “well, what do you think?”. This was the first time I consciously remember becoming aware of what I thought, and also the first time that I realized that my dad wanted to know my thoughts. It was a turning point for me. Shortly afterwards, aged 18, I left my mom’s home and moved in with my dad. It is here that I began to open to the idea of reading books that might help me to become a better person.
I signed up to work at a gym, Family Fitness / LA Fitness, but did not think I would get the job. At this point I was 200 pounds and ashamed. The only reason I did it was because my friend worked there and suggested the job to me. To my surprise I was hired to be CSR. After I got comfortable I hired a trainer friend to give me works and so began my relationship with and love for working out. Within a year or so they promoted me to Assistant Operations Manager. I also then became a Disney princess on weekends and entertained at children’s birthday parties 🙂 yep. At this time I was still massively over eating and compensating with working out wayyy to much.
I decided I wanted to go to school to be a teacher, as I loved children and loved to read and write. When I got to my 5th and final year of University however, my school went on strike for 16 weeks. This gave me an opportunity to really question what I was here for, and to also see the immense suffering I was putting myself through. My binge eating had become unbearable. I would beat up on myself for this with hurtful thoughts and actions. I didn’t want to go along this path I set for myself anymore. I needed a new way.
I was reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love. She shares her experience of being in immense suffering, falling to the floor of the bathroom, calling to God, and then God answering her. I thought: “If she can ask and be answered, then I can too.” I felt an energy pull me off my bed and onto my bedroom floor. For the first time ever, I closed my eyes to pray and said: “Dear God, What Void am I trying to fill?” Immediately I heard a tender, kind voice say within me: “You are afraid of failing.” I was shocked that I was answered, but I kept the conversation going. I asked, “Afraid of failing at what?” That is when I saw the list of everything I was afraid of failing at. I was afraid of failing at school, in life, in relationships, in the eyes of my parents, in my health, in everything. I saw that everything I was doing (and not doing) was because I was afraid of failure. The very next moment I made a new decision. I decided that from that moment onwards I was going to live a life dedicated to Love, not fear, and I told this “voice” (that I now know was the Holy Spirit) to guide me and show me the way, as I had no idea what I was doing. I got up from the floor, went to my journal and wrote in it: “God means something to me.” That was a huge step for me, that God truly now meant something.
“A shift had happened within me and I welcomed it,
in trust and in faith, that my life will be made brand new.”
I now have developed faith in this being an ask and receive universe. I have been trying it out, and it works. I was naturally asking the universe how to serve others, because that is where I felt most Joy, and I wanted to be shown what my role was in this whole thing. So I went into the world with an open mind and heart for what that might be. I was introduced to three people within a few weeks who were life coaches (which was a brand new thing in 2009) and I felt I wanted to be one too. I then went on this path of intense spiritual study. It started with books, of course, as they teach you things. But it really accelerated for me when I went back to University after the 14 weeks strike.
When school resumed I took an online Marketing course as an elective. I was part of a group working on a group project, and helped two members to resolve a conflict they found themselves in. One of the other team members reached out to me privately, asking if I had considered becoming a Lawyer, as I was good at communication and solving problems. I said no, but that I wanted to be a Life Coach. He was in this line of work too and suggested we meet. I agreed, and that was the beginning of a relationship with my “spiritual teacher.” He introduced me to Rumi, to the power of the subconscious, chi gong and Lester Levenson’s “letting go” method and David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness and so much more. I took it all in. He (kindly) pushed me in the direction of Hypnosis (not life coaching) so that I could help others to heal their mind which he said was the cause of all suffering. After much prayer, I agreed, and embarked upon getting my Healing Hypnosis degree from the Hypno-Healing Institute in Toronto, and I also became trained in Neuro-Linguistics Programming and Angel Communications. These became part of my new practice that I called LEEP LifeCoaching. [Love Yourself, Enlightenment, Empowerment, Positivity] Immediately my practice took off and I had many clients each week. I asked the Universe for a home of my own, with a studio in it for $650. It was a super low price but I did find a basement apartment in the location I wanted, it backend onto a walking trail, it was clean and spacious and it was $650! He even lowered it by $50 because my mom was with me and he said he trusted she has my back if I don’t make the payment. That was all signs of the Spirit and Love working and happening and unfolding in the most perfect and beautiful of ways. I began to ask for bigger and bigger things, so that I could be of maximal service to others.
I asked, in gratitude, to put on a workshop in Hawaii. A few weeks later I had a woman I had never met, named Soraya, find my new website and ask if I wanted to put on a workshop with her in Hawaii. Of course I said yes, and by October 2010, I was there on the sandy beaches of Maui Hawaii. She was also a medicine woman and a Hawaii tour guide, so she showed me the landscape most intimately and led me through numerous healing activities. I was really big into numbers at the time as well. So when the date 10-10-10 arrived and 10 was my “lucky number,” we wanted to inquire into the spiritual significance of this date. That morning we woke up at 3:30am to drive to the top of Mount Haleakala to watch the sunrise.
When we descended the mountains and after we ate breakfast, we went to the beach again and yet this time we joined a conference phone call with many Medicine Healers who gather together weekly to share in truth and healing for each other and all the world. Soryaya asked about the significance of this day and asked one woman, who channeled Yeshwa (Jesus) to speak. This was my first experience like this. As soon as she started speaking the energy shifted, my
heart opened and a presence (that was familiar to me) came upon me. I closed my eyes and listened, and this was the message: “Those who are on this call today are anchors of love and light on this planet. You are here to guide humanity to and through our Great Awakening. I have great faith in you. Please have this great faith in me.” I took this as being a message directly to me from Jesus, and that I could Trust Him as my teacher, my brother, my guide in this life. I cried and said “yes, yes, yes!” to Jesus with my whole heart. My life, again, was forever changed.
“A Child of God can recognize his power in one instant and change the world in the next because by changing his mind, he has changed the most powerful device that was ever given him for change.”
A Course in Miracles T7
When I returned home, the man I was currently in love with had changed. Or rather, I had changed, and what I saw in him did not match what I thought I wanted any more. When I got back to my apartment I fell to the floor, yet again, but this time asked and prayed ‘for the partner to help me on every level of my being (emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually) so I could help to save the world’. Looking back this is a mega big prayer, but at the time I was compelled to do it and really believed it was done in my heart. So when this prayer was answered a few weeks later when I met Tom Glod (my now husband) I had to be all in with whatever this relationship would bring. He also brought with him the Sparkly version of A Course in Miracles, the one that has “Jesus” on the front cover. I knew that this was Jesus’ promise to me for how he will teach me. I knew this was the path I was to follow and that it was given me be Him. I took the Sparkly in my arms, held it to my heart and from that moment onwards was totally dedicated to Jesus, Tom and A Course in Miracles.
During this time in late 2010, Tom and I spent hours in bed talking and receiving visions and insights that would light up our hearts and minds for how we could bring blessing to this world. All our conversations culminated on December 21st, 2010 when I invited a group of friends over for a winter solstice potluck celebration. That was the day we realized we all shared the same hearts desire, to redefine education in our world. We had an extra chair in our circle from a friend that did not show up, and we made mention that that chair was for Jesus. Shortly after we found ourselves standing in this circle, holding hands and committing our lives to this goal.
That began the journey of discovering my/our shared purpose together. After we started to collaborate on our new Education center called “Center for the One,” we realized that we needed to build technology to support this grand vision for change. And so our purpose evolved to forming a Technology and Service Company that Tom and I call Makeshyft RDA. He wrote more of this story on that website, but to conclude this section at this
time, I began to let my days be run by God, and not by myself. This led me to let go of some things I really cherished at the time (such as Crossfit fitness, my apartment and my coaching practice). I let go of them in hope and faith that becoming single minded, and having only one goal would bring me closer to my purpose and God. Well, it’s currently 12 years later and I can say this decision to let go of my life and work as I had set it up has TRULY brought me closer to what I asked for. I am now living my purpose and happy in everything that is around me. My work was given back to me purified. It became “Miracles of Mind” (M.O.M. for short) where I host my Ministry and my Spiritual Psychotherapy practice. I have also learned how to be active in my everyday life, and not have to go to a gym to be healthy. This whole experience has proved to me that we CAN trust Him to purify what we love and give it back to us in even greater amounts! There is no loss when we Trust in Gods plan… and not our own.
Tom and I took to the road in 2011 and lived in our car for months, then in people’s homes “flying by the seat of our pants” as we called it. This was a time for us to practice Jesus’ teaching and to learn to listen and trust.
This was also the time when I began to record Youtube videos of what I was learning with A Course in Miracles. I began by opening to a random section and reading from there and applying it to my life. I developed a decent following right away and continued to share what I was learning through these videos. In 2013 I was asked by my community and Jesus to please record the lessons from the beginning with inspired
commentary. At first I said yes to the first day, not knowing if I would continue. But I did continue, and I had the chance to document much of my life and travel experiences through those lessons. I also made some powerful relationships through these videos, some of whom I had the chance to meet in person along our travels. Including being invited to Ibiza Spain for the Ibiza-Enlight Festival, where I taught A Course in Miracles along side many mighty companions from all around the world.
We continued to work on our purpose-filled projects everywhere we went.
We found ourselves in Vancouver BC, we went all
around Ontario Canada and then we settled in California in 2014. We traveled from the south, to central, to the north visiting our friends and doing a few workshops, and then we found ourselves in the Frazier Park Mountains and stayed there for 6 months. We
knew we were here for God, we knew we were here to be with our brothers, live with our brothers and love with our brothers. There was also a lot of ” I do not knows”, a lot of praying and a lot of learning, but in the end, all of these experiences led to some profound and miraculous events with our brothers that continued to prove that God is Good and His laws and voice can be trusted.
Before we left for California, Tom and I already sensed that we would soon be having a baby together. In fact, we knew her name was Ella (which means a gift from Heaven) and we were ready for her (mentally) whenever it was her time. We told everyone we stayed with in California about her, and it was in the conclusion of the first half of our Cali-Adventure that Ella was in my belly, brewing and preparing to come to this
world. We had the choice, stay in California and trust God, or go back to Canada. We chose to stay, and we were blessed with the opportunity to stay with a beautiful family with 6 kids for 6 months. I embraced them as my family, cooking for them, caring for them and sharing in sacred space and communion with the parents (Rex and Jane) (read some of the story here) It was indeed a gift from God for all of us that we were brought together, and it was the most perfect conclusion to our travels, before the next phase of our life began.
The instant I became a Mom (read my birth story here), I knew that this was God’s child and therefore I trusted Him to teach me how to be a Mom. I had full faith in this and slipped into being Mom very naturally. The interesting twists and turns happened in regards to our home in form and finances. Ever
since Tom and I were together we were either living at my first apartment, then parents, then we travelled. We didn’t have a home, and nothing to “return to” when we came back from California. All we had was each other, Love and our strong faith in God. I couldn’t work anymore, I was a new mom…. and Tom was doing as God directed him… and that seemed to be website development, and creating our company and technology. Times were tough in that regard, although we always had what we needed, were comfortable. We lived in a basement apartment for 3 years with our little one. That was our first home together. We have many memories, miracles and melt down stories to tell 🙂
Slowly we found our rhythm, and some freedom as Ella was growing up, and it was time for me to think of other things again. I started to see that 1) my relationship to food had become completely transformed. I now loved cooking, baking, serving food and everything food related. Before I had been terrified and self-destructive, but now I was healthy, and so very happy. 2) I realized the importance of feeding our growing baby only that which was nourishing and supportive of her health and growth, and at the same time finding the balance to nourish myself and Tom also. I found the answer in my experience and was deeply called to share it. Whole and Healthy Kitchen (WAHK) was born. My passion and purpose for God and service could finally be channeled in a way that could help people on a very practical level, and teach them how to have a healthy and joy-full relationship with cooking and food. I have now been doing this work since April 2018.
Building this business has been a whole lot of work, but its been fulfilling, and great fun. I’ve attracted my tribe that I can share my joy for good food with, and help them to love cooking as much as I do. My core people have helped me create a 4 month course called Kitchen Alchemy. It brings Mindset, Whole Foods and Kitchen Flow together, to help students learn how to have and love cooking in their Whole and Healthy Kitchen. I am now preparing to launch the new and ‘up leveled’ version of Kitchen Alchemy in early 2025. Sign up here to be notified when it launches.
It is 2023. We collectively went through COVID-19, global warming is taking its toll around the world, the wars in Ukraine & Russia, Israel & Palestine is still ongoing, children are still starving, the 1% controls the world and the school shootings are getting ever more intense. My heart hurts for all of this and more. But I keep being shown that this is all happening FOR Love to break through, so that we collectively can decide “there must be a better way” and have a break-through into the New World, the Heaven that is here Now. Just as Jesus spoke of when he was here on Earth.
The more I started to think about all of this, the more I asked Jesus what he wanted me to do to help. It became clear that he is asking me to bring Him to the “front line” of my communications, and that I am to become the “bridge” for brother and sister souls to have a close, light-hearted, trustworthy, non-religious and direct relationship with Him along with me.
I do this in a few ways.
✔️Living with Jesus Series
✔️My Youtube Channel I post weekly A Course in Miracles Videos
✔️Articles / Essays, like this one
✔️Spiritual Psychotherapy – Mind Healing
Jesus is Christ Consciousness and A Course in Miracles is wanting us to include Jesus in our forgiveness lessons and our daily living. He is our brother who demonstrated eternal life and complete forgiveness, love and miracles. He was the first, and completed his mission perfectly. He leads us to the Christ in us. We do not have to take Jesus as our Teacher, but He will help us greatly if we do. The key is to “Ask Him” and trust that He knows how to communicate to us, and listen.
If you are called to contact me, I would love to hear from you.
You can write me here
Sending Love and Miracles your way.

“I am here for the salvation of the world”