My purpose is:
To give as I have received
To love as I am loved
To teach as I learn
To laugh through awareness and
To accept all that God has given me to give.
Miracles of Mind has become a platform where I share the above purpose through blogs, videos and interviews. I have also been applying A Course in Miracles to myself and teaching it as I learn it. I have been doing this for 12 years and LIVE the A Course in Miracles now. I am so deeply grateful to God that Truth is True and I will continue to proclaim His Reality (and therefore ours) until my mission on this planet is complete and all beings are well and happy.
My purpose also expresses itself through co-creation with my brothers and sisters and how we come together to offer practical and helpful tools and experiences that assist people in the quickening of their inner and outer transformations towards peace and purpose.
We all deserve to be happy and at peace. Not metaphorically, intellectually or conceptually; but literally. Therefore, I join hands with each and everyone one of you, as we all gather together to heal our minds, remember what is True, and accept our part in God’s Universal Plan for Peace. Want to be part of this? Join my email list. We are walking this purpose-full journey together.