What is A Course in Miracles for?

I was asked today what A Course in Miracles is for. Simply put, it teaches us how to give and receive miracles.

♡Receiving miracles involves clearing the blocks in our psyche through forgiveness, mind training, and inner guidance.
♡Giving miracles occurs when we stay open, refuse to judge, and allow ourselves to be led by inner guidance to offer love and service.

Both processes are rooted in inner asking and listening.

ACIM helps us step aside so we CAN listen and be vessels of love for others, which in turn, enriches our own lives.

It’s a radical, powerful, and transformational teaching. It is a path that leads us to the profound peace and happiness that reflect our true essence. By applying ACIM’s teachings, being open to questioning our current beliefs—about miracles, forgiveness, our identity, and even God—we relearn everything from the inner teacher within. This journey brings us to recognize LOVE as our shared and eternal reality.

We don’t come to this understanding through theology, hearsay, or texts alone but through personal experience. This undeniable, inner transformation that occurs within empowers us to do our part in changing the world.

So, are you curious to explore A Course in Miracles? We have a few books available in the states, and more in Canada before we proceed onto our 6th print run of the Sparkly ACIM. Click the button below to order your free book (just cover shipping).

Britney Shawley

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Welcome to my blog. My name is Britney Shawley. I write and make videos to help  people to choose peace in every situation. I aim to demonstrate the practicality of Love and miracles in my everyday life and work, so that you can do so too. Thank You for being here. 



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